
UESCenglishQUEST is part of the resources provided by the staff of the extension project Making the teaching of English more dynamic at UESC. You are welcome to interact with us. Join us! Esse blog faz parte do projeto de extensão Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa na UESC. Sintam-se à vontade para interagir com os recursos oferecidos aqui. Juntem-se a nós!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

TV series’ poll

Dear UESCenglishQUEST users,

There are lots of TV series. We apologize for not having include some more series. However ,for the votes "others" you can share your opinion here telling about which other series you prefer.

Thank you for you understading.

Existem muitos seriados. Pedimos desculpas por não ter colocado mais alguns seriados no entanto para os votos "outros" você pode compartilhar sua opinião aqui, dizendo quais outros seriados são seus preferidos.

Obrigado pela compreensão.


  1. Hello!!

    I was one of the people who voted for "others" in the poll because my favorite TV show in fact wasn't listed. My favorite TV show is NCIS, it's an awesome show, it's in its seventh season and it has great ratings, second only to American Idol. As for the plot, NCIS is actually the Navy version of the FBI. They are federal agents investigating crimes relating to the Navy and the Marines. The main characters are all quite unique and very amusing. There's the goth lab tech, the English medical examiner, the handsome senior field agent, the boss, the computer geek and the Mossad liaison officer.

    Mossad being the Israeli CIA. Scary bunch of people who can kill you with a paperclip in 10 different ways.

    Of course, I'm a bit biased, but I really think it's a show for everyone (but kids, of course, dead bodies and all). There's action, great dialogues and UST (Unspoken Sexual Tension). You should really go ahead and download the first season. It's awesome! =D

    PS - Bones is great too. And so is Glee. And How I met Your Mother. And The West Wing (best political tv show EVER). And Stargate SG-1 because science fiction rocks. So many options, so little time to watch them all!

    PS 2 (Not PlayStation 2) - The blog is really nice, guys! I like it! =D

  2. Yasmine Soares*

    I don't know English very well, so...
    I was one of the people who voted for "others" in the poll because my favorite TV show in fact wasn't listed.[2]
    My favorite TV show is Grey's Anatomy, it's really good, it's in its sixth season. They are doctors and they have to "cuidar de seus pacientes e de sua personal life at the same time"
    Each caracter has a "característica própria", they are funny, romantic. But the most interesting to me is their concern [preocupação] with patients.
    [Derek Shepherd :"It's a beautiful night to save lives" or something like that.]

    You should really go ahead and download the first season. It's awesome! [2]

    PS: As I said before: I don't English! So if you didn't understand anything, don't worry!
    O problema não é você, sou eu!

  3. Polly "Laís Lewicki"

    Thank you for the complement and the comment, we are glad you are enjoying this blog. And don't be shy, follow us!

  4. Dear Yasmine

    Thank you for the comment. And don't worry about your English, just keep checking our tips, I am sure they are going to help you.

    I am really happy you have comment our post.
    And follow us too!

  5. We are enjoying to see your likes and dislikes, guys. Thank you for your posts.

    Well... I've chosen Dexter because it is almost impossible to predict what is coming next. And this keeps me waiting and waiting for the next episode. There are lots of series, and I wish I had enough time to see them all.


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